Eleventh Element is Northeast Pa's premiere float center. Professional. Clean and Inviting. Float therapy is a mind-body remedy used by health-conscious individuals who understand that wellness begins within. Floating is most effective when paired with a healthy lifestyle and used regularly to maintain positive effects. Those who regularly float experience lower anxiety and stress levels, increased focus, improved sleep, faster recovery times and elevated moods.
We serve a variety of business/health professionals and athletes who want to improve their focus by reducing stress and speed recovery times, and those who with physically or emotionally demanding jobs who want to reduce the effects created by these environments.
The density of 900 lbs of Epsom dissolved in 150 gallons of water makes you feel almost completely weightless, letting every single muscle in your body fully relax. Float therapy is a deliberate reduction of sensory stimulation and allows your brain to rest, reset and refresh. In this state, the brain releases vast amounts of endorphins, a “feel good” chemical. Floatation research reveals remarkable benefits from repeatedly using float tanks and the effects of floating are cumulative.
Olympians and National Champions are able to out perform the competition with a well-rounded training routine. They also have another trick - art of floating therapy. Over the last several years, floating has been used by a large number of elite athletes to treat various sports-related conditions, aid in recovery and better manage the stresses in their system. Cumulative benefits of regularly floating provides:
A 50 minute Float session in our state-of-the-art pod will provide an opportunity for you to truly rest and unplug from daily stresses and rejuvenate. One float will set you off in the right direction, but a multi-float series or membership is the way to truly experience how float therapy can benefit you.
Floating is such a unique experience… your first float may not be your best float. It takes time to adjust to the unusual sensation of floating effortlessly and to quiet your mind chatter. Future float sessions won’t be spent acclimating to the new sensations, you’ll be a pro after just one visit.
The wonderful thing about float therapy is it reduces stress which is responsible for so many health problems. Floating in our wellness spa may assist with:
Floating is very much a personal experience in mindfulness as well. A lack of sensory perception (hence the description of a sensory deprivation tank) creates an environment for you to meditate, focus, connect and evaluate your most inner thoughts and feelings without external distractions. “Letting go” has often been perceived as clearing our minds of our thoughts when it is actually an opportunity for us to come to terms with our thoughts, memories and emotions in a positive environment.
a woman in a sensory deprivation tank with the blue chromotherapy lights on
You'll get the sensation of floating in space, and it's hard to feel where the water ends & the air begins.
Some float or sensory deprivation tanks are smaller with very small entry doors. Not ours! In our wellness spa, if you're not comfortable with closed spaces, you can leave the lid cracked or all the way open.
Use the chromotherapy during your float or choose darkness for a complete reduction of stimulation.
It's up to you!