This is an intensive program spread out over 7 appointments lasting up to 1.5hrs - 2hrs each, and requires dedication from the recipient. Weekly scheduled appointments are ideal but can be adjusted to fit into your schedule and needs.
This prayerful and thoughtful religious therapeutic and meditation attunes powerful energies and petitions the sacred and symbolic metaphors of spiritual process and role models that provide the basis for all further communication and expression of Promiiwihan Sii (Love, Compassion, Joy and Equinimity).
Thai Yoga: Indigenous Traditional Thai Yoga (also known as Indigenous Traditional Thai Massage: “Thai Massage: slang”) including specific styles such as SomaVeda® are indigenous traditional systems of movement education, dancing meditationand therapy, movement re-patterning, All of the applications of traditional Puja, Asana, Flows, Techniques, Prana Yama, Meditations and movements are specifically intended to affect the Spirit, Mind and Body, emotions and human energy field in one way or another.
Our sacred healing tools (Religious Therapeutic) apothecary and or medicine chest includes evolving practices maintainingand supporting wellness, health and integration of spirit in mind, body and spirit. Our sacred tools are energy, attention, consciousness, breath and spirit as given to us by our mother earth.
Our traditional healing work is intended to heal those of the sick and the infirm using natural agents and products suchas Classical Thai and Indian Ayurveda, Yoga, Chirothesia (Annointing and Laying on Hands for Healing), Sacred foods,soups, herbs, teas, salts, oils, fats, and water as well as certain cures and tried indigenous remedies; and supernatural agentsincluding spiritual counseling, prayer, divination, worship, fasting, application of sacred waters, sacred salts, sacred foods;herbs, oils, and perfumes.
Although the term “Traditional Thai Massage i.e. Thai Massage” may sound similar, SomaVeda® Thai Yoga is unrelated to manipulative practices of “Massage”, “Massage Therapy” or any similar term regulated by secular or state law.
In order to balance the functions of the four Dosha or body elements called thâat tháng sìi(Thai Lang.) (Lom, Fai, Din,Naam), SomaVeda® Thai Yoga incorporates elements of Prayer, Energetic and Prana Assessment, Mindfulness, GentleRocking, Asana Positional Release, Deep Stretching, Focused Breathing or Prana Yama, Chakra balancing, Prana Nadior Sen Line Balancing, Dancing, Recitation of Sacred Mantra, Dancing Meditation and Dance Therapy (Flow/ Vinyasa),Movement Re-patterning and Rhythmic Compression to create a singular healing experience. It is quite common forsessions and programs to be performed with music.
SomaVeda® Thai Yoga a traditional form of Ayurveda based practice and therapy also incorporates Classical Wellness Assessments, Spiritual Counseling, Mental and Emotional therapies, Sacred Nutrition and Nutritional Counseling,Ayurvedic and Native American practice of Herbology (sacramental healing), Pancha Karma Detoxification, Meditation,Blessing and healing prayers in it’s generous toolbox of healing modalities.
SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® is a system of religious therapeutics- spiritually based- integrated indigenous,native and natural healing, wellness and traditional medicine. SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy is our core modality.
SomaVeda® Thai Yoga is the school style of the NAIC, Inc.: SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine and Thai Yoga Center inBrooksville, FL. SCNM, a seminary of the Native American Indigenous Church, the world wide source for SomaVeda®style Thai Yoga Therapy education.
Your local Certified Practitioner or Teacher is Amanda at Eleventh Element Relaxation Spa.
To begin your journey please contact the spa at 570-338-2610.