Steaming is a cleanse. It is a detoxification. Steaming will give you an overall sense of peace and feeling grounded. It will open pores, increase blood flow, and help the body release toxins.
Please note: We introduce this treatment to our female friends:
1. To bring about awareness to overall vaginal health. It's time to give light to this beautiful sacred space.
2. To induce a DEEP sense of calm and relaxation to the spirit of women.
There are times when it is not beneficial for a woman to steam. Let's check and make sure that you don't have any contraindications:
Are you currently on your period?
Do you currently have fresh spotting?
Have you had spontanious bleeding in the last 3 months?
Have you had 2 periods per month in the last 3 months?
Are you pregnant?
If trying to conceive are you past ovulation?
Do you have an infection with a burning itch?
Do you have tubal coagulation (burning of fallopian tubes)?
Do you have a birth control arm implant (i.e. nexplanon)
If you are using any of the above birth control methods vaginal steaming could cause a birth control failure. It is not recommended unless you are okay with a backup form of birth control or you are not concerned about a possible pregnancy.
If you have a burning itch, the warmth from the steam could be uncomfortable since there is already so much heat in that area. In this case, it is best to seek treatment from your health care provider to get the burning sensation to go away prior to doing a vaginal steam session.
If you replied "Yes" to any of the above, this indicates that vaginal steaming is contraindicated. Steaming can not be performed at this time.
Some of the possible signs the vaginal steaming is working are if you experience - the urge to urinate while steaming, brown discharge after steaming, increased clotting or cramps during the period, increased dry cramps, and increased irregular vaginal discharge (white, green, thick, clumpy), emotional release, periods that come earlier or later than expected. These signs are a normal part of the cleansing process and will go away once the cleanse is complete. Please note these changes and let your practitioner know of these positive changes.
This is not medical advice and you should always consult with your health care provider for any serious health related issues. To date there isn't scientific evidence that supports the above claims, or evidence that vaginal steaming helps specific conditions.